Saturday, December 27, 2008

Soy Yummy!

Here are a few of the jars I have filled for a few gals in town. It is so much fun filling the large jars, they turn out so beautiful and of course, smell SOY yummy too!
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1 comment:

Amy W said...

Hi Hollie! I contacted you before Christmas about ordering three candles for my mother from her grandchildren. Sorry I have been MIA. My computer got a virus just before about a bad time to get one!! Not that there is ever a good time to get one. But I am still wanting to buy three. You said you delivered right? I was wanting to do some sort of basket arrangement also with the three candles. My mother just moved into her new home I want it to also be a gift for that as well. I want to include a note from the kids saying something like, "Welcome to your new home. Can't wait to fill it with memories" I think my mother would love to get something like this from her grandchildren. Let me know what we can do and if you have any ideas. Thanks!